
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Skunk, A Frog, A Bat, Oh My!

My plan was that Miles would be a bat for Halloween. Imagine my surprise when I put him in his costume from last year and discovered this...

His amazing, created by my mom, skunk costume still fits. In fact, it fits better than it did last year!

 But what to do with the frog costume I picked up at a garage sale?

And the bat costume I had planned?

He was a bat in the morning, a skunk in the afternoon, and we loaned the frog to a friend.

I left him in the childcare room at work to go to a class and came back to this... 

Sound asleep with kids playing all all around him!

My parents came for a surprise visit (they were planning on being in Guatemala but weather/flight cancellations forced them to come see us!). We went to the Pearl Street Mall to go trick-or-treating, but they did that on Thursday. Who would've known?! Miles got exactly one Snickers that lasted maybe 5 minutes in his basket before John snaked it. 

We had a big blizzard last week that left us with 13 inches of sparkling snow. Miles had a hard time walking in it, but he loved to eat it!


About Me

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I am a mother, climber, yogi, and lover of (almost) all things healthy!