
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Lively Month

Well, it looks like it has been exactly a month since my last post...
Where have we been?

The big news is that I have started my own business! I am beginning to see clients so if you or any one you know needs support in reaching your health goals (stress reduction, better sleep, weight-loss, reducing cravings, eating for energy, finding quick and tasty foods to feed your family) please contact me! For those who do not live in my area, I can work by phone. I am thrilled to have finally found a profession I am passionate about.

Now onto Miles:

Miles is starting to string words together, like "more yogurt" or "night-night world." He put his rain boots on by himself on Sunday, which led to him following me around saying "boots, on" over and over and over. He was pretty proud. He loves his backyard and books. In fact, he is upstairs reading aloud to himself. So sweet! I guess I just jinxed myself. Now we are watching "tv choo-choo" (Thomas the Train) as I write :)

John's parents came for almost a week. It was great to see them. They live in northern Wisconsin. We don't get to see them enough!

Miles loves to help John work. He put the screws in the holes and John finished the job.

We relaxed on the beach at the Boulder Reservoir after the Title 9 Mother's Day Run. That water was COLD! Miles didn't seem to care.

My parents came for a long weekend. We went to the Farmer's Market and tried out the amazing "harness" my mom created.

We went to the Battle in the Bubble, a bouldering competition, where we ran into Melissa, Joel and Elijah and Jennifer, Audrey and Donell.

The Denver Zoo

This boy is getting harder to catch...

We have been enjoying the bounty from our garden.... a radish! Isn't she pretty? Our mixed greens and kale are almost ready and our peas are going crazy. Our tomatoes and strawberries are flowering and are carrots are coming up. We planted a raspberry bush but they say it will be next year before it produces fruit. Gardening is fun!


About Me

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I am a mother, climber, yogi, and lover of (almost) all things healthy!